There are very few, if any, businesses that don’t require selling. Stores sell products to their customers. Professionals sell services to their clients. Managers sell ideas to the workforce. Sales is an intregral part of industry and even of everyday life. Not everyone, however, is a great salesperson. Of those that are successful, some have a natural talent, some have worked hard to develop the necessary skills and some have just perservered, knowing that eventually, they will make a sale. Of course the best of the best have talent, skill, and determination. But regardless of heredity or abiity, there are tools that can help anyone be a successful seller. This is one of them. I call it “THE EASY ANSWER.” The concept is simple. If you want a positve response to your sales pitch, formulate some questions in your pitch where the answers will most likely support that pitch. For example; if you are selling mattresses, don’t ask your customer: ”Do you want to buy a mattress?” Instead ask t...